Thursday, May 2, 2013


Aaaaand the countdown is ON!
6 days for Perú! Can't wait to visit my baby nephew Sebas, the family and lots of friends!

The plan is to land in Lima on May 8th
Spend two days in the city and fly to Cuzco during the morning of May 11th.

My friend Hayley (from Oregon) lives in that wonderful place, so we will spend out weekends with her!! It happens that May 12 is her bdayyyyy!!! So we will celebrate!!!
Another friend of mine from another country will join us!!! Sabrina is also going to Cuzco. Huge coincidence!!
Both this gorgeous ladies I met here in Breckenridge :) different years.

Joey and I are very very excited!!
I will try to write about our trip here :) and post some pics on Instagram as well!!

Today the sun came out!!! After a crazy snow storm yesterday.... I got a pic of Monday. Snoop is rocking his new haircut by me ;) and Yesterday (Wednesday) of all the snow we got that day =S.

Take care!
Good vibes!

Alicia {Spicyheart}

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just randomly visiting blogs and omg, snow! It's so strange to think of snow now considering it's like summer, well nearing summer in the UK but there was a point about a month or so back when there was random snow falls, but I digress. Urm, yeah.

Followed because I totally need new blogs to follow, mind checking out mine when you have time? =D