Since then we welcomed Santi to our lifes.... our first child (there will be a post about the miracle of birth).
Santiago was born on September 23rd and we were release from the hospital on the 25th. The apartment was ready for him to join us!! Life feels surreal. I have a baby!!!
So! being a stay at home mom is not so bad.... I keep my mind positive and I really enjoy taking care of my baby... all day... Diapers, breastfeeding, more diapers!! :D Its all part of the fun!! :D
But someday I have to go back to work :( I am enjoying every second of this!!
Slowly I've been getting the apartment to feel like home. I believe when you move to a new place.... It feels empty... Duh! I know is literally empty... What I am trying to say is that this feeling of emptyness is because there is no memories yet. I am recovering from a bittersweet situation, as it was leaving the last place. It felt like closing a chapter in my life...
But this new chapter is an amazing one. We own this new home!! And we will create new and amazing memories.
I will start by enjoying decorating every corner :).
I love vintage and chic style mixed with a hint of bohemian.
Life is good,
Alicia { S p i c y H e a r t }