This summer i started growing some flowers! All this started when a friend of mine, who is also peruvian, gave me a couple of orquids to take care of. She said to me that if i wanted to get a dog, first i needed to have a plant that survives for a while. So i was so excited and everyday i watered them :), because orquids have to be always wet.
I moved to Denver for the summer 2007 and then they didn't make it. I swear!!!! I took good care of them.... but Kelso, the cat that a friend gave me to cat sitting for "few weeks", and then never called back, EAT THEM!!! :( Yep.... my really beatiful and healthy orquids (RIP)..... She fed herself with them!!!!!!!!! :( Bad cat!!! Bad cat!!!.....
That was the begining.... so i got around May the ones in the picture and also one other kind :).
Kelso is gone, since way before we came to breckenridge :P [Joey and i moved back to breckenridge in january, its good to be back!]. No more plant killer. muahaha!
With all this i just wanted to show my first non alive flower! because i have the power :P... im a crocheter!! I just rediscovered, my mom gave me few lessons when i was 14 but i just wasnt all into.... Now, well.... there so much stuff you can make with different sizes of that awesome tool call: the hook.
So this is my first real post, Joey* help me with few mistakes, like i said before, my english is not the best. ;)
My new blog!! im really excited!! i used to have other kind of spaces like fotolog or even ones i have a blogdrive, i found it ones and really surprise me! i look so young!!! :P was sooooo long time ago....
Well, here we go, a new blog!! Hope you enjoy it ;)
Live is good in the high country :) Cant wait for winter time!!! snow!!! snowboard!!! quicksilver lift!!!! :P good times!!